Let’s Talk About Sex….Or Not?

Talking to your preteen about sex is not a comfortable thing.  I remember not too long ago my daughter and I were watching a romantic comedy.  It made everything seem so perfect.  It even made me get heartfelt and maybe kiss on my husband.  I just so happen to turn around to see what my daughter was doing and she had the most beautiful smile on her face watching dreamy eyed.  I knew then I had to have the talk.  Hollywood has disillusioned so many of us on love and sex.  People began to expect things out of a relationship they’ve seen on tv or movies. Not gonna happen! Our teenagers need to know their bodies. I know many people frown on masturbation, but guys its a pretty normal act, and its safe!  We are all sexual beings. So when you walk in on your son or daughter  performing this act don’t make them feel ashamed this is the perfect opportunity to talk more.  Sex has become so taboo. Our bodies without clothes have become so taboo.  Adam and Eve didn’t wear clothes remember? God gave us our bodies and that wonderful feeling with sex.  King Solomon talked explicitly about sex with the woman he loved.  The important thing is when you decide to have sex.   Teenagers are just too young to understand the complications of this act.  Not only are they not emotionally ready but what if pregnancy occurs, they are not financially ready.  Why wait until you get married?  Well you are committed to someone who has picked you over all others. Most likely you are old enough to express your love in the way it should be expressed.  Realistically most of us didn’t wait until marriage, so explain to your child how that was not a great choice.  Don’t hide your past! This could be the greatest lesson your child can learn. While most parents of Christian teens would like to think that talking about abstinence is enough, the unfortunate fact is that many teens (Christian and non-Christian alike) have sex before marriage. While it is important to tell our teens why not having sex before marriage is ideal, we cannot just skip over the talk about having safe sex. Be prepared to talk about condoms, dental dams, birth control pills, and more. Don’t be afraid to discuss STDs and AIDS. Understand your facts about rape and abortion. Be educated about those topics, before you talk about them so you aren’t taken off guard when you’re asked. If you don’t know – then take the time to look it up. Remember, we often talk about putting on the full armor of God, and part of that armor is wisdom. Remember our bodies are beautiful and sex is apart of life.  We need to teach our children to love themselves and give them a healthy and realistic view of sex and relationships. Allow them to have a positive body image, especially our girls.  You don’t have to be sexy to be desirable.   I think that makes for a better outcome in the future generations…..Im just sayin.